Rock Steady Boxing, a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization, gives people with Parkinson’s disease hope by improving their quality of life through a non-contact boxing based fitness curriculum.
The SPEAK OUT!® Therapy Program, developed by Parkinson Voice Project, helps people with Parkinson's regain and retain their speech and swallowing. The program combines education for the patient and family, individual speech therapy, daily home practice using workbooks, flashcards, and online practice sessions, weekly speech groups, and regular re-evaluations.
Therapy Program
Parkinson's Choir
A fun way to keep your voice strong while singing intently with others.
PWR!Moves are designed to each target a skill known to deteriorate in people with Parkinson disease, which often lead to loss of mobility and function. The PWR!Moves can be practiced in multiple positions, made progressively more physically and cognitively challenging, and be used differently to target each person’s unique symptoms individually. PWR!Moves help you mitigate symptoms and rebuild functionality, no matter how you incorporate them into your life.

Urban Poling focuses on increasing mobility and function for every age, ability and fitness level. Through our educational programs and uniquely designed poles, our mission is to help people realize that their full potential is not only achievable but also sustainable, by doing exactly what their body was designed to do – move.
Sit & Chat – A support group for care partners of those with Parkinson’s and the clients themselves.
Sit & Chat

PARTÉ™ provides a creative outlet among peers, promotes mental health, and serves as an expressive sanctuary for people living with Parkinson’s and their care partners. This program’s exercises-inspired by the theatre - are specifically designed to target the motor and non-motor symptoms of PD.
Other Brands we are Pursuing